Price list

Customize EDUNIO to suit your needs.

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From CZK 90

From one User per year

Write to us, we will be happy to prepare an individual offer that suits your requirements.

Get an offer


In EDUNIO, you choose which functionalities, modules and courses you want to use and you only pay for the ones you activate.

Individual Prices

The more users you have, the more modules and courses you want to use, the better item prices we can offer you.

Spread your wingsOptional expansion modules


Courses offered PREVENT courses

Choose from a wide range of courses from 20 CZK/course/user.

  • Choose from PREVENT courses.
  • Create your own courses.
  • Shop for courses anywhere else.
  • Request a professional custom course.
Complete course offer
Favourite Discounted
package on OHS and FP

(four courses - OHS, FP, Driver training, First aid in CZE and EN)

from 40 CZK per user
